The 12 Most Inspiring Places in the World for Soul Searching
While travel is often about getting out in the world, sometimes it's also about looking inward. For some great ideas about where to take the exploration inside, check out this list of the "The 12 Most Inspiring Places in the World for Soul Searching" compiled by the members of travel website, Trippy.com.Did we miss your favorite place to go for introspection? Tell us about it here!
Big Sur, Calfornia
“The most soulful, meditative place I've ever been is in Big Sur, California. It is a unique vista where sky, mountain and ocean all merge at once. It engages all of your senses and wraps itself around you: the smell of ocean and air, the roar of wind and surf, the tingling feel of ocean spray on the skin, the faint taste of salt air, and the sight of nature's immense grandeur. One cannot spend a day sitting on the beach or rock and contemplating until the sun descends into the waters, and not come away a different person.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Leonard Lee; Stillwater (Minnesota), Minnesota

“In the bush in Africa--anywhere from Tanzania to Zambia. There's something about reorienting your life to the natural rhythms of the world around you--wake with the sun, sleep when the afternoon grows too hot, etc.--of remembering your very small place in a very vast and beautiful world, and of stripping life back to its very natural cycles--birth, mating, death--that really helps you to put life into perspective. It also always reawakens my sense of wonder and joy in the world. I never considered myself to be a nature person, but one trip to Tanzania changed all that. And I can't stop going back.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Colleen Clark; Brooklyn, New York

“If you want to hike and take on a pilgrimage trail like the one ending at Santiago de Compostela. I personally love the balance of peace and vitality of Spain, but I've lived there, so I'm biased.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Tiffany Weber; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

“If you are looking to stay in Asia, Bali is a great place for meditation, finding your center and soul searching.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Kristal Sajasi; San Francisco, California

“I would definitely add Mexico, either Tulum or Oaxaca. The humble, kindness, and very hospitable feeling of the people is enough to make you feel loved and connected on a deeper level. Tulum and Oaxaca are very spiritual cities as they have spectacular ancient ruins... there are shamans who do help you work on connecting with your soul and healing pain but they don't advertise themselves.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Sandy C; Los Angeles, California

“Kaua'i, it the most soulful place I know of.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Gerrie Sears

“There is no question: India is the most transformative travel destination in the world. Seekers have been going to India since the dawn of time. "All life is there," as the quote goes. Rishikesh is the best place to start, but there are many places in India ideally suited for soul searching including Mysuru, Jaisalmer, Dharamsala and on and on. The entire country is an ashram, and some have called it the soul of the world.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Mariellen Ward; Toronto, Canada

“My favourite place for soul searching is here in Cape Town and surrounds. For a slower pace you could head to the wine estates around Durbanville, Stellenbosch, Paarl and Groot Constantia for a relaxing wine tasting, spa treatments and the like.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Richard van Wyk; Cape Town, South Africa

“By far that has to be Montana, nothing but space and time.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Das Loga

“I cannot explain it but one of the most special places I have ever visited where you can spend time is Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley in Peru. It is near to Machu Picchu - which you can visit, but then there are lots of other Incan sites in the valley which are much more low key, and there are great day walks.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Christine O'Donnell; Auckland, New Zealand

“Wandering around all those temples was amazing to me, and really restorative.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Jacey & Scott Mahaffy; Fort Collins, Colorado

“Connemara in the West of Ireland is really beautiful, remote and serene.”
Recommended by Trippy.com member Maria O'Dwyer from Dublin, Ireland

About the author: Trippy is a Q&A community created to give travelers the most relevant answers to all their travel questions. Ask a travel question now on Trippy.com.